
Showing posts from December, 2015

Web Performance, tell me the story

Suppose you would like to know how your web site, behaves to clients from two different geo locations: for example, Finland and Ireland regarding response time. How quickly can you see and understand visually what's going on and how things are. Do you need to improve something ? Change your network provider ? Tune your application(s) ? Spend more money.  Start from a top level view, understanding the big picture and having the possibility to dive and analyze at the detail level.  Finally, can you visually tell the story of your web application as in a short chart ? Enter Kronometrix Web Performance ... Finland Something happened between 1:00 - 1:15 AM We can see more than one request affected by this event Overall we see all requests are executing fast, below 0.5 seconds And we have some exceptions, some are taking more than 0.5 seconds Ireland Same things from Ireland It is different, requests usually take longer to ex...

Web Performance subscription

We been busy to add support for Web Performance to our appliance. That means anyone running any HTTP applications can send data to Kronometrix for analysis. Our idea of monitoring Web applications is a simple one: it starts from the operating system, HTTP server and the application itself. We report the most important metrics including the response times for the application. To make things even easier we wanted to add support for complete solution stacks, like  LAMP . (We still have lots of work to fully support them). And to have a complete picture of the Web service, we have introduced the workload management concept inside Kronometrix to gather and report data from one or many data sources and bound those to a SLA for upper management reporting. Nice and easy. Some first development snapshots from our implementation. Let's first switch to night mode, it is 23:10 here in Finland. So, here you go: All requests dashboard This shows a number of HTTP requests gathered as ...